Join The Future of Algorithmic Trading in India

Algo Services | Financial Education | Backtesting & Optimization

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Join The Future of Algorithmic
Trading in India

Algo Services | Financial Education

We Provide The Best Algo Strategies For You

All our Algos can directly be deployed in your Trading Account. You just need to sit back relax and let your money work for you!

Check out our Live P&L & performance stats here.

The Matrix Algo

The AlphaVision Algo

The Dexter Algo

We provide the best service for you

Statistically proven backtested and fully automated portfolio of strategies to handle all types of market moves. Check out our performance stats here.

Satisfaction rate

Registered users

The Matrix Algo

The AlphaVision Algoefficiently

The Dexter Algo

Maximum cashback fee for virtual account transactions is $49 for 8 months.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam

The program period runs from 14 December 2021 to 24 January 2022.

Transaction fees will be calculated when the merchant can make a transaction.

Cashback will be paid up to 1 week after registration for 8 months.

Get the best services with the lowest fees

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Why choose us ?

Data Backed Strategies Only

We use logically sound, mathematically tested, statistically proven strategies only. No “lagta hai, hota hai, bol rahe hai stuff” We believe only & only in data.

Capital Protection First

Capital protection is our top priority. The assumed risk in all our algos in never more than 10% overall & we have a hard stop of 1% risk per day. All our algos are intraday strategies only inherently protecting us from any overnight black swan event risk.

No Human Intervention

All our algos are fully automated which results in super fast trades & reduced costs as the order get executed at the desired price faster & more accurate than manual traders.

Your money is in your hands

Your money will always remain in your demat under your control. You will have full authority over everything. We act just as a conduit to implement and monitor our algos.

Zero Opportunity Cost

Instead of investing more money, you can make use of your long term stocks/Etf/MF and use the margin availed by pledging them to implement our algos. This results in massive Alpha (extra returns) over & above your existing portfolio returns by not investing a single extra penny.

Experienced Team


We have a super team of traders, coders and strategists with a combine experience of over 50 years in the stock markets working 24/7 to provide the best consistent, risk free returns for you.

Your money is
in your hands

Zero Opportunity


Backtesting & Optimization

Got a strategy that you would like to implement?
We offer the best backtesting and optimization services. We can also provide you the codes or automate the strategies for you

Fill this form with all your strategy details and our team will get back to you with the quote and time required for the same.

Training & Mentorship

Learn how to build and implement your own strategies. We offer a variety of courses for both part time and full time aspiring traders.

Intraday Strategies Building

6 months Mentorship

Trade Live
With Us

Pin customization

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Flexible Interface

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Payment Tracking

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We help your needs to receive payments faster

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One dashboard for all business financial needs

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Easy to use

For everyone

Super safe

Security system

Simplify your financial trancasction today!

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MSc in Computer Science & MBA in Marketing. He has an experience of 12+ years in the stock markets. He is a serial entrepreneur & investor. He currently runs a successful printing & packaging business as well with an annual turnover of 25+ Cr. He has won several accolades in printing industry.

Kapil Vaidya Co-Founder with IT from Mumbai University & Diploma in Applied Financial Management. Actively trading in the stock markets since 7+ years. He has a strong business acumen & built his first Retail business at the age of 15! He was interviewed by ‘The Hindu’ newspaper for their article on 'Young Successful Entrepreneurs In India' when he was 19.

Aditya Singhania Co-Founder

Management studies from Sydenham College, Mumbai & Advance Fashion Diploma – IIFT. She has an experience of over 5+ years in the stock markets. She is a portfolio entrepreneur who also successfully runs her own clothing brand under the label ‘Nipa Vaidya Clothing’.

Nipa Vaidya Co-Founder



    The algo strategies used by VSF have been a great addition to my portfolio. Have made handsome returns with no new investment and risk free. Very happy with their services.

    Saket Agarwal CA

    I have known Kapil for over 10 years now, he is a perpetual learner & has a super strong trading mindset. They are always available for their clients 24/7 and have a very clear cut approach risk averse approach in trading.

    Vinod Jain Investor

    Not only super happy with the returns but love the discussions that I have had with Kapil & Aditya, they have helped me give a better perspective & long term view to trading and creating wealth

    Kuldeep Rawal Entrepreneur

    VSF has helped me a lot in my journey as a part time trader and generate extra income. The knowledge they share is not at all bookish and opportunity to trade live with them at their office took my confidence whole another level. Both Aditya & Kapil sir are very humble and always a phone call away if needed.

    Himanshu Gupta IT professional

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam

      01.What exactly is Algo trading?

      Algo Trading is a process where in a computer program is used to systematically place orders in your account.

      The program is built to take decisions based on advanced mathematical models derived from  a combination of back tested and real time data.

      The idea is to define risk and generate consistent profits at a speed which is humanly impossible.

      In short, the complete decision making & execution process is completely taken care by the algo.

      02.What type of algo services do you provide?

      We have various algos as per different capital size and risk appetite. We can run our algos in your trading account. Our fees is performance based i.e. profit sharing basis.  To check out our various algos and their performance metrics please check out the ‘Performance’ tab section.

      03.I am interested to subscribe to your algos, how does this work?

      All our algos can run either on cash balance or the margin available from pledging long term stocks/ETF/MF in your portfolio.

       All your cash and stocks will always remain under your control in your own demat.

      We will never ask you to transfer your cash/stocks to us.

      By using our algos on margin from your pledged stocks you can generate significant extra returns over and above your existing stock portfolio returns with no extra opportunity costs.

      To know more, please feel free to contact us on 976 999 5681

      04.Will I have to pay you even if I incur a loss?

      In the unfortunate event of loss in any given month, you do not have to pay us anything! Infact you only pay us on the net profit made after recovering previous losses if any.

      05.I have a few ideas/strategies that I want to apply on my account. Can you help me out?

      We have the best in house quants experts that can backtest your strategy for you, for a very reasonable price.

      We share detailed backtest reports & even comments from our expert strategists on how to optimize your strategy*

       We can even provide you with the execution codes or automate your strategy for you.

      For any further information, please feel free to contact us on 976 999 5681

      06.I am interested to learn trading. Do you have any training programs?

      We have a bouquet of courses for everyone whether you are a beginner, a part time trader looking for some extra income or a algo enthusiast looking to build a career in trading. Check out our various courses in the ‘Education’ tab section.